PTE Exam Dates, Online Registration, Exam Details, News

PTE Exam Dates, Online Registration, Exam Details, News

What is the PTE Academic Exam?

The PTE Academic exam is a computer-based English language test accepted by educational institutions globally. Candidates who are planning to study, work or migrate to any English Language country are required to take this PTE Academic exam to prove their proficiency in English Language skills. 

The test is of three long hours which are computer-based programs to focus on day to day English rather than the high level of English Language Proficiency. PTE tests a student for his/her ability to speak the language on a daily basis. This multi-level grading system helps in understanding a students expertise in the language. 

The PTE exam is different from other English Proficiency tests. The most important difference is the scoring pattern and the results because the exam is completely computer-based. They also declare the results within 2 days making it much quicker than other English Language Tests. 

It helps the students who want to prove their efficiency in the language at the last moment. 

PTE Eligibility

There are no criteria set by the conducting body of the PTE Academic Exam. However, you are required to be of the age of 16 and above while appearing for the PTE Academic Test. And if you are below the age of 18 years old then you need to produce a letter of consent from your parents or guardian for allowing you to appear for the same.

Below are few pointers for appearing the PTE Academic Test:


You need to be above 16 years old in order to appear for the PTE Academic Test. Candidates below 18 years of old can produce a letter of consent from their parents or guardian for allowing you to appear for the same. The consent form can be downloaded from the official website of the PTE Academic Test


The conducting body Pearson PLC Group of the PTE Academic has not set down any qualification criteria for students who want to take this academic test. 


Candidates can take this test as many times as they want within a gap of 5 days from the previous test taken is the only criteria made by the conducting body. 


Dedicated to providing access to all individuals or students who are special and or disabled. There are special arrangements made to keep them comfortable or reasonably adjusted, by the Pearson VUE which includes: 


  • A separate testing room
  • Extra testing time
  • A Reader or Recorder


Students can request special arrangements by proving how their disability is costing them their performance in the standard condition. They will need to provide documentation and apply weeks in advance for the conducting body to arrange for the same. You can do the same before you book for the same. 

PTE Academic Exam Pattern:

Like other English Language tests, PTE Academic Test also includes Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills. You are scored on these four segments and then the total score is calculated. 

PTE Preparation Tips

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic has the same pattern of four segments where the test is conducted. Reading, Listening , Writing and Speaking skills are evaluated. 




32-41 Minutes


45-57 Minutes

Speaking & Writing 

77-93 Minutes


PTE Preparation Tip for the Reading Section:


Type of Question


Skills assessed

Word length

Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer

After reading the text, answer a multiple-choice question on the tone or content of the text by selecting one response


Text up to 110 words

Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers

After reading the text, answer a multiple-choice question on the tone or content of the text by selecting more than one response


text up to 300 words

Re-order paragraphs

Several text boxes appear on the screen in a random order. Put the text boxes in the correct order


text up to 150 words

Reading: Fill in the blanks

A text appears on screen with several gaps. Drag words from the box below to fill the gaps


text up to 80 words

Reading and Writing: Fill in the blanks

A text appears on screen with several gaps. Fill in each gap from a drop-down list of response options

Reading and Writing

text up to 300 words


PTE Preparation Tip for the Speaking Section:


  • While you raise your tone while reading in the beginning and in a falling tone at the end of the sentence will make you sound more authentic. 
  • In case you make a mistake, please make sure to repeat again and again and speak loud to correct the same. 
  • From the day you start practising or preparing for the exam, do make sure to try many tongue twisters every day to get fluent. 


  • While you listen to the sentence make sure to close your eyes and memorise. 
  • There won't be any beep after the audio/video ends so make sure to start speaking after the clip ends. 
  • Make sure to focus on the important words and repeat them in case you do not manage to remember the whole sentence. 


  • You can start describing an image by using words like ILLUSTRATE, ELUCIDATES, DEPICTS, etc
  • In case you have to describe a bar chart , or line graph, or a pie-chart then do remember that LINE GRAPHS have TIMELINE , PIE CHARTS have SLICES and BAR CHARTS COMPARE.
  • The use of the following words will help to get a higher point- On the Left-Hand Side, On the Right-Hand Side , Next to Below or Bottom , Above , At the Top, Foreground, Backgrounds etc. 


  • Make sure to memorise the Keywords to understand the context of the topic. 
  • You can use name titles like “Dr Says” or the “Professor Mentions” instead of taking the full names. 
  • Try to seize 2-4 sentences so that it helps in retelling a lecture. 


  • Make sure to add articles in your sentences like A, AN, THE before some words. 
  • You can repeat the words in the question in case you do not know the answer. 

PTE Preparation Tips for the Listening Section:


  •  Active listening is key. If needed listen to English songs to improve the skill and focus on special words. 
  • Watch an English series/docuseries and or movie first with subtitles and then slowly try to watch it without subtitles. 
  • While you listen to new contents your vocabulary will improve your understanding of Spoken English while listening. 


  • Limit your answer to 50-70 words.
  • You can phrase your sentence with “The speaker said” in the start.
  • Always use a notepad to write the keywords and important points. 
  • If you can close your eyes and concentrate then you can give better attention. 
  • Understand the theme and the topic to get a better score.


  • Do not guess your answers because the questions do have negative marking too. 
  • Read the important questions before the audio starts. 
  • Sometimes the answers are at the end so please make sure to stay focused until the end. 


  • Take notes in the provided notepad so that you do not miss the next word. 
  • Take a note of whether a particular word is singular or plural within an article. Here you will need to use your listening skills too. 


  • Understand the message of the theme conveyed by the speaker. 
  • To narrow down the points use the elimination process. 


  • If you listen to the audio carefully you will be able to guess the end of the topic by the time you reach the three fourth of the audio. 


  • Always and always remember to review your answers even before you submit to see if you have missed anything. 
  • Double-clicking a word will unselect the word. So click only once. 
  • You can have negative marking in this part of the test. 



  • To save your time make sure to type your answer directly on the computer instead of a notepad. 
  • At the end remember to check the spellings, singular and plural forms and punctuation etc. 

Preparation Tip for the Writing Section:

Your written answer to the given questions will be evaluated on the basis of understanding of the question. There are two sections of the writing modules given below:


  • You can get a perfect score of 90 out of 90 if your vocabulary and grammar are on top quality. However, an average vocabulary and grammar can get you up to 73.
  • Avoid writing very long answers, it should consist of 35-45 words. As the test algorithms cannot evaluate long answers and it could get unmarked. 
  • Punctuations are an important part to remember. 
  • Make sure to capitalize on the starting words and Nouns in the sentence. 
  • Do not provide any examples unless asked for. 
  • The summary should be written as third person, avoid using I, ME, WE etc. 
  • The last paragraph usually contains the summary of the text hence concentrate on that part without fail. 
  • Summarize each paragraph in a single sentence.



  • Essays can be written in a format based on Opinions, Problem-Solution, Advantage-Disadvantage, etc;
  • Again focus on the spellings and grammar, plurals, etc;
  • Always follow a pattern while writing an essay - First Paragraph should be the Introduction, Second & Third paragraph should contain the Body of the essay and the Last should be the Conclusion of the Essay. 



To excel in the next PTE exam you should know the latest PTE Syllabus. The Syllabus mentioned below is for the candidates who are looking to appear for their next PTE Exam. This Syllabus covers the Speaking and Writing Syllabus, Reading and Listening Syllabus. 




Speaking & Writing

Fill in the blanks 

Multiple Choice Answers


Multiple Choice Answers

Fill in the Blanks 

Personal introduction 

Answer Short questions

Re-tell Lecture 


Read a loud

Re-order Paragraphs 

Write From Dictation

Highlight Incorrect Words

Repeat Sentence 

Describe Image

Essay (20 Mins)


The test goes this way:

  1. Question: Time to Read the Text Prompt: The time duration of each prompt you get varies depending upon the length of the text. The length is measurable in words or sentences. You need to be active in this part.
  2. Prepare for Answer: Time granted to Relax and Think: You do not have to immediately answer the question. On average, you get 10 to 15 seconds to prepare for each segment. You should relax and think for a while on how to answer.
  3. Answer: Time for Action: This is the total time duration where you have to perform. The answers are recorded when you speak, saved as text when you write, and selected in options multiple-choice questions. 


After the completion of your PTE Academic exam, You will receive the PTE Academic scores for each skill section in a band range 10-90 along with your overall score. The scoring pattern is as below: 


PTE Academic Score  

Level Description 


Above 85 

Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.



Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and recognize implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices. 


59 - 75 

Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. Can interact with a degree of oral fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options


51 – 58 

Has sufficient command of the language to deal with most familiar situations, but will often require repetition and make many mistakes. Can deal with standard spoken language, but will have problems in noisy circumstances. Can exchange factual information on a familiar routine and non-routine matters within his/her field with some confidence. Can pass on a detailed piece of information reliably. Can understand the information content of the majority of recorded or broadcast material on topics of personal interest delivered in clear standard speech.  


43 - 58 

Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.  


30 – 42 

Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g., very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment, and matters in areas of immediate need.  


10 - 29 

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.  


These results are usually available online within five days from the test date. 

It is issued online and can be retrieved from your PTE Academic student account. You will first receive an email before 5 days ends with instruction and login and password ID to check your score. Just follow the instructions and login to your Pearson Account.

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