Overview of Foundation Degree in Arts in Binary University of Management and Entrepreneurship
The Foundation Degree in Arts (FDA) @ Binary University prepares SPM and high school-leavers for direct entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree. The Binary FDA is unique in that it allows students to diagnose a wide range of pre-University subject areas in the first 2 semesters and when students have a better understanding of university degree options, presents multiple pathways in Accounting, Business or IT in the final semester for one to specialize in. This uniqueness takes away the pressure from high school-leavers who often have to make the very difficult decision whether to choose a Foundation in Arts,Science,Communication or Accounting. The second big advantage of the Binary FDA is that it opens numerous degree pathway opportunities as students can opt to do a degree in Accounting, Business, Communication, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Mass Communication, Entrepreneurship or IT among many others. The FDA will provide you opportunities for interdisciplinary study with an emphasis on problem solving and critical analytical skills, thus helping to unlock your fullest potential. You will also be able interact with international students which will provide you with rich intercultural experiences ,thus preparing you to become a truly global graduate in the future.
Intro to Business
I Intro to Computing
Critical Thinking
Business Mathematics
Business English
Academic Writing
Personality Development
People & Organization
Business Communication
Elective I
Elective II
Legal Issues
Pengajian Malaysia
Elective III
Introduction to Economics
Business Information System
Introduction to Cost Accounting
Accounting II
Introduction to Marketing
Professional Ethics in Computing
Introduction to Networking
The entry requirements in the FDA are as follows SPM with 5 credits 5 grade C passes at ‘O’ Level / GCSE