Entry Requirement of Diploma in Islamic Studies Arabic Language & Literature in Sultan Zainal Abidin University UniSZA
All below requirements must be fulfilled:
- Only Malaysian who owned My Kad/ Identification card eligible to apply
- A pass in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/ equivalent with honours in Bahasa Melayu and pass in Sejarah at SPM 2020.
- Obtained a minimum of Grade C+ ONE (1) in the following subjects at SPM Level:
- Arabic Language
- Al-Lughah Al-Arabiah Al-Mu’asirah
- Turath Bahasa Arab
- Obtained a minimum of Grade C+ TWO (2) in the following subjects at SPM Level:
- Tasawwur Islam
- Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah
- Pendidikan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah
- Hifz Al-Quran
- Maharat Al-Quran
- Usul Al-Din
- Al-Syariah
- Manahij Al-Ulum Al-Islamiah
- Al-Adab Wa al-Balaghah
- Turath Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah
- Turath Dirasat Islamiah
- Obtained a minimum of Grade C+ ONE (1) in the others subjects EXCLUDED Bahasa Melayu at SPM Level
- Obtained a minimum Grade D in English