Overview of Bachelor in Computer Science Hons in Asia Metropolitan University Malaysia
The Bachelor of Computer Science is a 3-year program that aims to produce graduates who are knowledgeable and skilful in information and computer technology that is applicable in industry and organization.
Hands-on computing experience through coursework and internship.
Engaging the use of computers to solve problems and manage information.
Rigorous use of quantitative techniques in computer technology
CAREER PROSPECT of Bachelor in Computer Science Hons in Asia Metropolitan University Malaysia
Network Manager
System Analyst
Computer Programmer & Engineer
Software developer
Cyber Security Manager
Courses of Bachelor in Computer Science Hons in Asia Metropolitan University Malaysia
Year 1
Principles of Information Technology
Discrete Mathematics
Programming Concepts and Design
Operating System
Data Communication
English For Academic Enrichment
Programming Language Concepts & Paradigms
Information Systems Security
Object-Oriented Programming
Database Management
Tamadun Islam Dan Tamadun Asia / Malaysian Studies 3
Hubungan Etnik / Bahasa Melayu
Komunikasi 2 MPU
Bahasa Kebangsaan A
Knowledge Management and Engineering
Wireless Network Planning and Design
Malaysian Government and Public Policy
Year 2
Computer Architecture
Software Quality
Concurrent and Real-time System
Mobile Application Development
Search Engines Technologies
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
Database System Concepts
Leadership and Professional Development
Social and Professional Responsibilities
Multimedia Technology
Emerging Technologies
AMUnited 2
Software Requirements Analysis & Modeling
Year 3
Artificial Intelligence
System Development Tools and Techniques
Data Structure and Algorithms
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Professional & Technopreneurship Development
Research Method
Integrated Software Development
Computer Science Collaborative Project
Students to select any specialisation group by completing the 2 electives in the same group with 1 additional module.
Network and Mobile Computing
Human-Computer Interaction
Wireless Network & Mobile Computing
Network Security
Systems Security & Protection
Information Security & Assurance
Cloud Computing
Internet Protocols Architecture & Routing
Web Engineering & Technologies
ENTRY REQUIREMENT of Bachelor in Computer Science Hons in Asia Metropolitan University Malaysia
A pass in Matriculation program or Foundation studies or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 or pass STPM or equivalent with a minimum grade of C (NGMP 2.00) in any 2 subjects and credit in the following subjects at SPM level or equivalent:
Additional Mathematics; or
Mathematics and one of the subjects of Science Technology or Engineering.
Note Candidates for category i b) must follow Mathematics reinforcement subjects with topics relevant to computer science at the beginning of the study.
Any diploma in science and technology with a minimum CGPA of 2.50.
Note Candidates for categories III and IV with a CGPA below 2.50 but over 2.00 can be accepted subject to the internal evaluation process.
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