Overview of Bachelor of Speech-Language Pathology (Honours) in International Islamic University of Malaysia
Brief introduction
The Bachelor of Speech-Language Pathology (Hons) commencing in September 2017 is the newest undergraduate degree program offered by the Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, IIUM. It will offer a range of subjects needed for developing skills to identify, assess and manage communication and swallowing disorders. In first year, students are introduced to normal speech, language and communication. Students are also exposed to areas such as linguistics, audiology, psychology, anatomy and physiology. This will form fundamental knowledge for students before they begin to explore different aspects of atypical speech, language, hearing, voice, fluency and swallowing, and management of patients. Clinical training and placements are essential for cultivating and enhancing students’ clinical competencies particularly in third and final years. Students are trained to integrate theories and Islamic ethics with clinical practice in assessing and managing communication and swallowing disorders.
Program Outcome
i. Demonstrate knowledge in speech-language pathology and disorders (speech sciences);
ii. Integrate their theoretical knowledge and clinical practice in the management of people with communication and swallowing disorders;
iii. Diagnose communication and swallowing disorders based on the findings from the case history, clinical observation and evaluation;
iv. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles and methods of assessment, intervention and prevention for people with communication and swallowing disorders;
v. Devise and execute a management plan consistent with the clients’ needs;
vi. Inculcate Islamic values and ethics in their social responsibilities practice;
vii. Conduct research related to speech sciences with close supervision;
viii. Effectively cooperate with clients, colleagues and other professionals in ensuring provision of optimal services and creating a conducive working environment;
ix. Utilise Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for clinical or research purposes; AND
x. Apply the current knowledge in speech sciences through continuous education.