NO. |
1. |
A. Aziz Saim, M.Sc. (Sheffield), Ph.D. (Warwick), Associate Professor,
Analysis and Design of Concrete, Steel and Composite Structures
2. |
A.S.M. Abdul Awal |
Concrete Technology, Construction Materials |
3. |
Abd Kadir Marsono, M.Phil. (Heriot-Watt), Ph.D. (Dundee), Associate Professor
Tall Building Structures (Wind and Earthquake); Sustainable Housing Design; Industrialised Building System; Bio-Mechanical Design; Information Technology for Construction and Manufacturing
4. |
Abd Latif Salleh, M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (Portsmouth), Associate Professor,
Structural analysis and design for reinfroced concrete, steel and timber
5. |
Abdul Karim Mirasa, M.Sc. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Ph.D. (UTM), M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Professor,
Structural Engineering, Fire Engineering, Concrete and Steel Structures
6. |
Abdul Rahman Mohd. Sam, M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (Sheffield), Associate Professor,
Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite, High strength concrete, High Performance Concrete, Concrete Technology
7. |
Abdullah Zawawi Awang, M.Sc. (Sheffield), Lecturer,
High-strength Concrete, Material and Structural Behaviour
8. |
Ahmad Baharuddin Abd Rahman, M.Sc. (Nebraska), Ph.D. (Sheffield), Associate Professor,.
Analysis and Design of Steel Structures, Precast Concrete Structures, Industrialized Building System, Steel Transmission Towers
9. |
Ahmad Kueh Beng Hong, |
Continuum mechanics and numerical methods |
10. |
Ahmad Mahir Makhtar, M.Phil. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Ph.D. (Leeds), Associate Professor, |
Polymer concrete technology, concrete durability, industrialized building system. |
11. |
Ahmad Zaidon Rais, M.Sc. (UMIST), Lecturer, |
Structural Engineering |
12. |
Ahmadon Bakri, M.Sc. (Bradford), Lecturer, |
Structural Engineering |
13. |
Airil Yasreen Mohd. Yassin, M.Sc. (UTM), Lecturer, |
Continuum mechanics and numerical methods |
14. |
Amer Rafique Butha |
Concrete Polymer Composite Materials, Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structure
15. |
Arizu Sulaiman, M.Eng. (UTM), Associate Professor, |
Steel Technology, Analysis and Design of Structures |
16. |
Azhar Ahmad, M.Sc. (London), D.I.C. M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Lecturer, |
Concrete structures, foundation design, construction management and practice.
17. |
Azlan Abd Rahman, M.Sc. (Surrey), Ph.D. (Surrey), Professor, |
Forensic Engineering, Structural Appraisal and Assessment |
18. |
Azlan Adnan, M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (UTM), Professor,. |
Earthquake Engineering |
19. |
Baderul Hisham Ahmad, M.Sc. (Bradford), Associate Professor, |
Model Testing for Structures, Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures, Management Information System
20. |
Hamisah Binti Tapsir, PhD (Leeds), Professor |
Fire Engineering, Structural Engineering, Steel Structures, Masonry Structures, Advanced Composites |
21. |
Hazlan Abdul Hamid, M.Sc. (Kansas), Lecturer, |
Structural analysis and design, structural mechanics. |
22. |
Izni Syahrizal Ibrahim, M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D (Nottingham), Senior Lecturer |
Analysis & Design of Reinforced & Prestressed Concrete,IBS, Precast Concrete Design & Construction |
23. |
Jalil Omar, M.Sc. (Case Western Reserve), Lecturer, |
Structural Analysis |
24. |
Jamaludin Mohd. Yatim, M.Eng., Ph.D. (UTM), Associate Professor |
Advanced Composites for Structures, Advanced Materials, Structures and Materials, Structural Analysis and Design, Structural Appraisal |
25. |
Mahmood Tahir, M.Sc. (Nebraska), Ph.D. (Warwick), M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Professor, |
Analysis and Design of Concrete, Steel and Composite Structures |
26. |
Mohamad Ibrahim Mohamad, M.Sc. (Michigan), Ph.D. (Loughborough), Associate Professor, |
Construction Management, Structural Appraisal and NDT |
27. |
Mohamad Salleh Yassin, M.Sc. (City), M.I.E.M., P.Eng., Lecturer,. |
Structural Analysis and Design |
28. |
Mohammad Ismail, M.Sc. (Liverpool), Ph.D. (Aston), Professor, |
Forensic Structural Engineering, NDT test, Corrosion of reinforcement, Durability of concrete, Sustainable construction materials |
29. |
Mohd Hanim Osman, M.Sc. (Surrey), Ph.D. (Wales), Associate Professor, |
Structural Steel Work, Structural Engineering, Experimental Testing |
30. |
Norhisham Bakhary, Ph.D (Western Australia)
Vibration Based Damaged Detection, Artificial Neural Network |
31. |
Mohd Warid Hussin, M.Sc. (Strath.), Ph.D. (Sheffield), M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Professor, |
Fibre Reinforced Composite, blended cement concrete, Strength performance and durability of concrete |
32. |
Nordin Yahaya, M.Sc. (Cranfield), Ph.D. (Heriot-Watt), Associate Professor, |
Offshore Structures, Pipeline Engineering, Structural Integrity |
33. |
Norhazilan Mohd. Nor, M.Eng. (UTM), Lecturer, |
Reliability Engineering, Structural Integrity, Corrosion, Hazard Assessement, Offshore Structures |
34. |
Ramli Abdullah, M.Sc. (Strath.), Ph.D. (Heriott-Watt), Associate Professor, |
Reinforced Concrete Structures |
35. |
Redzuan Abdullah, M.Eng. (Cornell), Ph.D. (Virginia Tech), Associate Professor, |
Structural analysis, Finite Element Method, Experimental Research |
36. |
Rosli Anang, M.Eng. (UTM), Lecturer, |
Construction materials, CAD. |
37. |
Rosli Mohamad Zin, M.Sc. (UPM), Ph.D. (UTM), Associate Professor, |
Construction Management, Construction Constructability, Construction Safety |
38. |
Rosli Noor Mohammed, M.Sc. (UTM), Lecturer, |
Structural analysis and design. |
39. |
Roslida Abd. Samat, M.Sc. (Liverpool), Lecturer, |
Wind engineering, Structural Dynamic, Tall Building |
40. |
Salihuddin Radin Sumadi, M.Sc. (Strath.), Ph.D. (UTM), Professor, |
Cement Based materials, Lightweight concrete, Cement Replacement material, Non Baked brick, Repairs, Industrialized Building System |
41. |
Sariffuddin Saad, M.Sc. (Strath.), Ph.D. (Nottingham) Associate Professor, |
Steel Structures, Structural Analysis |
42. |
Shahrin Mohamed, M.Phil (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Ph.D. (Sheffield), Professor, |
Steel Structures, Structural Analysis and Design, Quality Assurance and Accreditation |
43. |
Shek Poi Ngian, |
Structural Engineering, Steel Structures |
44. |
Suhaimi Abu Bakar, M.Eng., Ph.D. (UTM), Associate Professor |
Timber Engineering, Boundary Element Method, Structural Analysis |
45. |
Tan Cher Siang |
Structural Engineering, Steel Structures |
46. |
Wahid Omar, M.Sc. (Surrey), Ph.D. (Birmingham), M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Professor, |
Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures, Project Management, Bridge Engineering |
47. |
Wan Zulkifli Wan Yusof, M.Sc. (Loughborough), Associate Professor, |
Construction Management, Contract Administration |
48. |
Yusof Ahmad, M.Sc. (Bradford), Ph.D (UTM), Senior Lecturer |
Structural Analysis, Finite Element Method, Engineering Softwares, Timber Engineering, Fiber Reinforced Polymer |
49. |
Zaiton Haron, M.Eng. (UTM), Lecturer, Structural analysis and design. |
Environmental Acoustics Modelling (Stochastic), Reinforced Concrete Design, Blast Resistant Reinforced Concrete Design, Environmental Management in Construction (Noise) |