Universiti Teknologi

Universiti Teknologi

  • Location: 81310 Skudai, Johor, Johor
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  • Type: Public Institution
  • Courses: 90
  • QS World University Rankings: 181
  • Times Higher Education World University Rankings: 401-500
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Master of Philosophy Structure and material Fees Structure, Admission, Intake, Deadline

Duration:1.5 years
Exam Accepted:N/A
Tuition Fees:N/A

Overview of Master of Philosophy Structure and material in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

The programme is offered to those interested in in-depth research on a specialized area. A student must take one university general elective course (3 credits) and a research project equivalent to 33 credit hours. A lecturer or a panel of lecturers appointed by the faculty will supervise the research work. The minimum duration for full time students is three (3) semesters. The student may be allowed to convert his/her programme of study to Ph.D. degree subjected to approval by the faculty. The student may carry out research in any research area as stated in the Areas of Research Section. Assessment is based on the semester progress reports, and the award of the degree is based on the submission and presentation of the thesis (viva voce).

The fields of specialization are Structures, Materials, Geotechnic, Transportation, Traffic, Highway, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Water Resources, Coastal and Maritime, Environmental, Wastewater, Construction Management and Construction Technology.




A. Aziz Saim, M.Sc. (Sheffield), Ph.D. (Warwick), Associate Professor,

Analysis and Design of Concrete, Steel and Composite Structures

2. A.S.M. Abdul Awal Concrete Technology, Construction Materials

Abd Kadir Marsono, M.Phil. (Heriot-Watt), Ph.D. (Dundee), Associate Professor

Tall Building Structures (Wind and Earthquake); Sustainable Housing Design; Industrialised Building System; Bio-Mechanical Design; Information Technology for Construction and Manufacturing


Abd Latif Salleh, M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (Portsmouth), Associate Professor,

Structural analysis and design for reinfroced concrete, steel and timber


Abdul Karim Mirasa, M.Sc. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Ph.D. (UTM), M.I.E.M, P.Eng,  Professor,

Structural Engineering, Fire Engineering, Concrete and Steel Structures


Abdul Rahman Mohd. Sam, M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (Sheffield), Associate Professor,

Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite, High strength concrete, High Performance Concrete, Concrete Technology


Abdullah Zawawi Awang, M.Sc. (Sheffield), Lecturer,

High-strength Concrete, Material and Structural Behaviour


Ahmad Baharuddin Abd Rahman, M.Sc. (Nebraska), Ph.D. (Sheffield), Associate Professor,.

Analysis and Design of Steel Structures, Precast Concrete Structures, Industrialized Building System, Steel Transmission Towers

9. Ahmad Kueh Beng Hong, Continuum mechanics and numerical methods
10. Ahmad Mahir Makhtar, M.Phil. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Ph.D. (Leeds), Associate Professor, Polymer concrete technology, concrete durability, industrialized building system.
11. Ahmad Zaidon Rais, M.Sc. (UMIST), Lecturer, Structural Engineering
12. Ahmadon Bakri, M.Sc. (Bradford), Lecturer, Structural Engineering
13. Airil Yasreen Mohd. Yassin, M.Sc. (UTM), Lecturer, Continuum mechanics and numerical methods
14. Amer Rafique Butha

Concrete Polymer Composite Materials, Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structure

15. Arizu Sulaiman, M.Eng. (UTM), Associate Professor, Steel Technology, Analysis and Design of Structures
16. Azhar Ahmad, M.Sc. (London), D.I.C. M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Lecturer,

Concrete structures, foundation design, construction management and practice.

17. Azlan Abd Rahman, M.Sc. (Surrey), Ph.D. (Surrey), Professor, Forensic Engineering, Structural Appraisal and Assessment
18. Azlan Adnan, M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (UTM), Professor,. Earthquake Engineering
19. Baderul Hisham Ahmad, M.Sc. (Bradford), Associate Professor,

Model Testing for Structures, Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures, Management Information System

20. Hamisah Binti Tapsir, PhD (Leeds), Professor Fire Engineering, Structural Engineering, Steel Structures, Masonry Structures, Advanced Composites
21. Hazlan Abdul Hamid, M.Sc. (Kansas), Lecturer, Structural analysis and design, structural mechanics.
22. Izni Syahrizal Ibrahim, M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D (Nottingham), Senior Lecturer Analysis & Design of Reinforced & Prestressed Concrete,IBS, Precast Concrete Design & Construction
23. Jalil Omar, M.Sc. (Case Western Reserve), Lecturer, Structural Analysis
24. Jamaludin Mohd. Yatim, M.Eng., Ph.D. (UTM), Associate Professor Advanced Composites for Structures, Advanced Materials, Structures and Materials, Structural Analysis and Design, Structural Appraisal
25. Mahmood Tahir, M.Sc. (Nebraska), Ph.D. (Warwick), M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Professor, Analysis and Design of Concrete, Steel and Composite Structures
26. Mohamad Ibrahim Mohamad, M.Sc. (Michigan), Ph.D. (Loughborough), Associate Professor, Construction Management, Structural Appraisal and NDT
27. Mohamad Salleh Yassin, M.Sc. (City), M.I.E.M., P.Eng., Lecturer,. Structural Analysis and Design
28. Mohammad Ismail, M.Sc. (Liverpool), Ph.D. (Aston),  Professor, Forensic Structural Engineering, NDT test, Corrosion of reinforcement, Durability of concrete, Sustainable construction materials
29. Mohd Hanim Osman, M.Sc. (Surrey), Ph.D. (Wales), Associate Professor, Structural Steel Work, Structural Engineering, Experimental Testing

Norhisham Bakhary, Ph.D (Western Australia)

Vibration Based Damaged Detection, Artificial Neural Network
31. Mohd Warid Hussin, M.Sc. (Strath.), Ph.D. (Sheffield), M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Professor, Fibre Reinforced Composite, blended cement concrete, Strength performance and durability of concrete
32. Nordin Yahaya, M.Sc. (Cranfield), Ph.D. (Heriot-Watt), Associate Professor, Offshore Structures, Pipeline Engineering, Structural Integrity
33. Norhazilan Mohd. Nor, M.Eng. (UTM), Lecturer, Reliability Engineering, Structural Integrity, Corrosion, Hazard Assessement, Offshore Structures
34. Ramli Abdullah, M.Sc. (Strath.), Ph.D. (Heriott-Watt), Associate Professor, Reinforced Concrete Structures
35. Redzuan Abdullah, M.Eng. (Cornell), Ph.D. (Virginia Tech), Associate Professor, Structural analysis, Finite Element Method, Experimental Research
36. Rosli Anang, M.Eng. (UTM), Lecturer, Construction materials, CAD.
37. Rosli Mohamad Zin, M.Sc. (UPM), Ph.D. (UTM), Associate Professor, Construction Management, Construction Constructability, Construction Safety
38. Rosli Noor Mohammed, M.Sc. (UTM), Lecturer, Structural analysis and design.
39. Roslida Abd. Samat, M.Sc. (Liverpool), Lecturer, Wind engineering, Structural Dynamic, Tall Building
40. Salihuddin Radin Sumadi, M.Sc. (Strath.), Ph.D. (UTM), Professor, Cement Based materials, Lightweight concrete, Cement Replacement material, Non Baked brick, Repairs,  Industrialized Building System
41. Sariffuddin Saad, M.Sc. (Strath.), Ph.D. (Nottingham) Associate Professor, Steel Structures, Structural Analysis
42. Shahrin Mohamed, M.Phil (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Ph.D. (Sheffield), Professor, Steel Structures, Structural Analysis and Design, Quality Assurance and Accreditation
43. Shek Poi Ngian, Structural Engineering, Steel Structures
44. Suhaimi Abu Bakar, M.Eng., Ph.D. (UTM), Associate Professor Timber Engineering, Boundary Element Method, Structural Analysis
45. Tan Cher Siang Structural Engineering, Steel Structures
46. Wahid Omar, M.Sc. (Surrey), Ph.D. (Birmingham), M.I.E.M, P.Eng, Professor, Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures, Project Management, Bridge Engineering
47. Wan Zulkifli Wan Yusof, M.Sc. (Loughborough), Associate Professor, Construction Management, Contract Administration
48. Yusof Ahmad, M.Sc. (Bradford), Ph.D (UTM), Senior Lecturer Structural Analysis, Finite Element Method, Engineering Softwares, Timber Engineering, Fiber Reinforced Polymer
49. Zaiton Haron, M.Eng. (UTM), Lecturer, Structural analysis and design. Environmental Acoustics Modelling (Stochastic), Reinforced Concrete Design, Blast Resistant Reinforced Concrete Design, Environmental Management in Construction (Noise)
Universiti Teknologi
  • 81310 Skudai, Johor
  • Johor
  • Public Institution
Lincoln University College
  • Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malay
  • Kelantan
  • Private Institution

Master of Construction Management

full time - 1.5 years , part time - 3 years FULL TIME,PART TIME JAN,MAY,SEPT
Swinburne University of Technology
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • Sarawak
  • Foreign University
Universiti Teknologi
  • 81310 Skudai, Johor
  • Johor
  • Public Institution
Universiti Teknologi
  • 81310 Skudai, Johor
  • Johor
  • Public Institution

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