Overview of Bachelor of Computer Science (Graphics & Multimedia Technology) with Honours in University of Malaysia Pahang UMP
We offer an exciting course in computer science with specializationin software engineering. This is a four year undergraduate programme which prepares graduates to embark on alifelong journey in designing computing systems and applications for a smarter world. After completing this program, the graduates will be able to apply core knowledge of computer science on programming, database, system and network as well as artificial intelligence and mathematics for solving real-world problems. During the study, students are exposed with the skills to design and conduct system development through series of workshops. They are also equipped with comprehensive skills covering software/system lifecycle while completing their elective courses. Embedding professional certification and international recognition into selective courses proves the quality of our academic curriculum while enhancing our graduates' employability.
Semester 1
- Principles of Management
- Business Law
- Accounting I - Financial Accounting
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Technical Mathematics
- Deutsche Sprache I
- Islamic and Asian Civilizations
- Soft Skills I
- CoQ – I
Semester 2
- Fundamentals of Project Management
- Accounting II - Cost Accounting
- Engineering Mechanics
- Technical Design / CAD
- Calculus
- Deutsche Sprache II
- Soft Skills II
- Ethnic Relations
- CoQ-II
Semester 3
- Fundamentals of Marketing
- Industrial Engineering
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
- Deutsche Sprache (Intensive)
Semester 4
- Corporate Finance & Investment
- Quality Management
- ERP Systems & Business
- Process Management
- Applied Statistics
- Elective (Business) I
- Deutsche Sprache III
- Technopreneurship
Semester 5
- Individual Field Project
- CSR Project
- Cross Module Seminar I
- Deutsche Sprache IV
Semester 6
- Operations Research
- Supply Chain Management
- International Transport Logistics
- Elective (Engineering) I
- Elective (Business) II
- Elective (Business) III
- Global Competencies
Semester 7
- Industrial Training
- Industrial Training – Report
Semester 8
- Elective (Business) IV
- Elective (Business) V
- Elective (Business) VI
- Elective (Engineering) II
- Elective (Engineering) III
- Elective (Engineering) IV
Semester 9
- Individual Study Project (ISP)
- Thesis
- Cross Module Seminar II
Bachelor of Business Engineering with Honours (Collaboration programme with HsR, Germany)
Business Engineering graduates will be equipped with both business engineering knowledge and the skills required in innovating business practices. Some of the careers you can pursue with a Bachelor of Business Engineering with Honours degree include:
• Production Executives / Engineer
• Production Planner / Controller
• Process Engineering Engineer
• Industrial Engineer
• Logistics Executives
• Supply Chain Executives / Officer
• Procurement Officer
• Business Development Executives
• Quality Executives / Engineer
• Project Executives
• Other relevant employment areas