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Study Mode | FULL TIME | ||||
Level | UNDER-GRADUATE | ||||
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Intake |
Poss o STPM with a minimum of C grades f NGMP 2.0)in any of t he 2 subjects and pass Mathematics and Bahasa lnggeris at SPM level, or equivalent quolifieoian:OR
2.Poss a STAM with a minimum g1ade ot Joyyid.ond poss Mothemotics ond English ot SPMlevel: OR
3.Eijgibi ly equivalentlo o Diploma or Advanced Diploma (Level4 or 5. MOH):OR
4.Molficutotion / Course Etigibilily with o minimum CGPA of 2.00 out or 4.00. or equ1volenl;OR
5.Poss the UEC with at least o Grode 8 1n llve (5) courses Including Moths ond English: OR
6.Obtain o Malaysian VocotionolDiploma (OVM) from on institution recoQnized by the Government ot Moloysio and the universily Senatein ony of the following ( I) oreos:
-Business monogement
Office management
Pass theVocational CertificoteMolysia fSVM) equivalent to 3 Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) credits for candidates earning:
-Honorsin Sohosa Meloyu 1t 04: - Academic CGPA> 2.0: and
-Vocational CGPA > 2.67: - Competent in oil vocot onol modules Note:The SVM program entry requirements for the DVMwithin lhe 2012-20 16
cohe<Ia1e os above. Fe< SVM g1oduotes.cohe<t ol2013-2016.SVM equivalence ot 3 SPMcredits should tokeinlo occounl the passing of SPM Hislory subjecls:OR
7.Other quofllicollons recognized by the Govemment ol Moloysio.
For InternationalStudents. students mus! hove a minimum ol5.5iiELTS or equivalent.
"Nole:The oossino of Mathematics and Bohoso tnooeris reouirements ot SPMlevel for concidotes (J and (i) may be excludeda the eligibilityincludes Mothemolicsand
Bohoso lnggeris subjects and their achievementis equivolent/betler to the requirement of passing lhe subject ol SPM level.
The classes ore conducted physically and on ne on weekends ond ofle<
working hoors.
2. Students ore ent tled to opply for the PTP Nloon.
3. Students ore eligible lor credit exemption from diploma certif icates.
4. Courses ollered include "Occupo lionolSolely and HeollhMonogement ", "IndustrialReiolion and Employment Low","Human Resourceln ormolion System" and others.
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